
Welcome to the Gulag!

This is the community blog for #TheGulag. As most of us have lots of things to do, and dont hang around all the time, this is for pasting cool news-links, jokes, doodles we have done, and basically everything we think is worth interest to rest of us.
Links to our individual blogs are accepted, as is feeding posts from one blog to another (I'll probaply do that once in a while).

You may either link pictures or news articles, or upload/paste them to the blog. If it is not that much trouble, I would recommend uploading, as the link might go dead at any moment.

Here are some basic rules;
Everyone who is regular on the channel and wants to take part, can do so. Equal administrator rights to all, save for those who have FUBARed the blog at least once (hopefully, this wont mean anyone).

If you arent member, you cant post. This is to save us the trouble of deleting spam posts. If you are member #TheGulag, try connecting one of the allready-members, and they can hook you up, too.


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